Discover the Best Ancient Ruins Tours in Turkey: Full Guide

best ancient ruins tours in Turkey

Are you planning a trip to Turkey? If you’re dreaming of stepping back in time to walk among ancient cities, Turkey is the ultimate destination for you. Explore the best ancient ruins tours in Turkey with our guidance.  

Treasures of ancient Turkey tour Turkey’s famous 9 UNESCO World Heritage sites. Gobekli Tepe, Troy, Pergamon, Ephesus, Aphrodisias,  Pamukkale – Hierapolis, amazing Cappadocia, and Mound Nemrut are the major highlights.





Gobeklitepe in Sanliurfa: The World’s Oldest Temple

Göbeklitepe site is considered to be most oldest place to be found by humanity. It has been located in Turkey, in Sanliurfa City which is located in the Southeast of Turkey. But it’s an interesting fact that discovery of Göbeklitepe is not very old, it is quite new; the 1990s! And, it has been added to the Unesco World Heritage List just in 2018.

This place is dated back to the 10th – 8th BCE which says that it has been settled approx. 12.000 years ago! Before Göbeklitepe was founded, the Stone Edge (discovered in 1859 under the leadership of Jens Jacob Worsaae, and dated back to the 8th – 7th BCE) was known as the oldest religious building in human history.

So, the discovery of Göbeklitepe has changed many things we know about human history! Because archaeologists and scientists who came from all around the world and worked on Gobeklitepe say that Göbeklitepe is the oldest Religious Building/Temple in the known history and also, one of the best ancient ruins tours in Turkey. Today, the excavations on it continue and it is open for its visitors.

best ancient ruins tours in Turkey


Ephesus Ancient City: A Roman Metropolis

The Ephesus Ruins, located on the site of the ancient city of Ephesus, are a must-see for history enthusiasts. Even while this region has been inhabited since Greek times, the Eastern Roman Empire is when it truly flourished.

Ephesus, one of the five great towns of the Roman Empire, was a pivotal port city in history due to its role as a commerce center linking Asia and Europe. Around one hundred years ago, the Ephesian excavations commenced. Also, archeological digs are still going strong. Moreover, The excavations in Ephesus started roughly 100 years ago. And, archaeological work continues.

Hattusa: The Hittite Capital

Hattusa is an ancient city that hosted the Hittites. Today, it is located about 200 km east of Ankara which is the capital city of modern Turkey. Moreover, the Hittites became a political and cultural power all around Anatolia and Syria.  This huge and rich civilization just discovered in the 20th Century. And, archeological works keep going on.

Catalhöyük: A Neolithic Settlement

Catalhöyük is one of Turkey’s oldest findings which shows us the paintings and carvings. Also, it dates back to the Neolithic period. The archeological works on it are quite new, just started around the 1950s. Today, it is located in the middle Anatolia region of Turkey which is around Konya City.

Pergamon Ancient City: A Hellenistic Gem

Capital of its own Kingdom of Pergamon! This ancient city dates back to the 3rd Century BC, to the Hellenistic Period. In its own time, the city consisted of 2 parts; one is the Acropolis on the top of the mountain, where the nobility lived, and the other is the Asclepios, where mostly middle and low-level people lived!

As well as, the most famous structures located in Acropolis; Ancient Theatre with a magnificent view and construction technique built leaning against the slope of the mountain, bath complexes, and the Zeus Altar were dismantled(unfortunately) and its parts are exhibited in various museums around the world.

best ancient ruins tours in Turkey


Troy Ancient City: The City of Homer’s Iliad

The city of Troy is such a special place that it has been featured in many famous films from Homer’s Iliad to the present day. By the way, it is located very close to Canakkale City. Transportation is pretty easy from nearby towns and cities. Also, it welcomes thousands of travelers every year as it waits for your potential visit! Because of the facilities this place provides their visitors it is also listed on the best ancient ruins tours in Turkey.

Mount Nemrut: A Celestial Sanctuary

Mount Nemrut is one of the most interesting, remarkable, and captivating ancient sites which Turkey has! Mount Nemrut, built by the Commagene King Antiochus I in the Hellenistic period, is a temple-tomb and a Hierothesion, the house of the Gods, built by Antiochos to honor him in life and death.

This colossal monument features statues of deities and inscriptions depicting the ancestral lineage of Antiochos and legends from both Greek and Persian roots, as well as statues of lions and eagles believed to be the guardians of the site. Today, Mount Nemrut is located in south-central Turkey and it is one of the not-to-be-missed places if you have enough time in your Turkey Travel Plan!

Mount Nemrut: A Celestial Sanctuary


Cappadocia: One of the Best Ancient Ruins Tours in Turkey

Although today, Cappadocia is world-famous for its Hot Air Balloons, it has a very important texture with its historical and cultural structure! Göreme Open Air Museum, Underground Cities, and numerous ancient churches are a few of them! 

It is thought that approximately 40 million travelers visit Cappadocia every year. The number of travelers as hosted by Turkey yearly known that about 50 million. So, 4 out of every 5 travelers who Travel to Turkey also Travel to Cappadocia. Hot Air Balloon Flights which you can find only in a few places around the World. In Fact, one of the best landscapes and natural formations that you may see around Turkey.

There are several other reasons to Travel to Cappadocia! You may also read more about Cappadocia by clicking the link below; Cappadocia Turkey.

best ancient ruins tours in Turkey

Hierapolis: A Sacred City

Hierapolis or Scred City, an ancient Phrygian city is located in South West of Turkey. It is next to Pamukkale which is a very famous thermal source. Believed that it was established by Eumenes II of Pergamum in 190 BC. Nearly, The huge city of Hierapolis has been excavated since the 19th century. 

Archaeologists have unearthed wonderful ancient Roman remains; baths, a gymnasium, an agora, and a Byzantine church, St. Phillips martyron, necropolis of the city, etc… They still continue their work to get more! Later, Hierapolis was taken as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988. You can read the full list of Unesco Sites in Turkey!

Aphrodisias Ancient City: A City Dedicated to Love:

Aphrodisias was an Ancient Greek City in the province of Caria. Today, it is located nearby to Geyre Village between Denizli and Aydın Cities. It is about 150 km away from Kusadasi and about 50 km away from Denizli/Pamukkale. 

Aphrodisias Ancient City was discovered coincidently by famous Turkish Photographer Mr. Ara Guler in 1958. Ara Güler comes to the village of Geyre while traveling to photograph the villages in Anatolia. Here, he sees the villagers living with ancient ruins without even realizing it.

Additionally, the villagers used the ancient columns and artifacts as tables and chairs or to construct their houses. By seeing this, Ara Güler immediately takes photographs and sends them to Turkish Archaeologist Kenan Erim, who works at NYC University. Mr. Kenan returns to the country without wasting time and devotes his entire life to the Ancient City of Aphrodisias. Undoubtedly, It is named one of the best ancient ruins tours in Turkey.


Turkey is a country full of unimaginable ancient wonders and cultural heritage. From ancient ruins that date back thousands of years to majestic monuments that have witnessed the rise and fall of empires. On the whole, Turkey is a living museum waiting to be explored. With hundreds, if not thousands, of historical and cultural sites spread across the country. Therefore, your journey promises to be an immersive experience filled with awe and discovery, if you at least visit the best ancient ruins tours in Turkey. 

Finally, Every corner of the country has a story to tell, so explore our blog for more ideas and advice on how to plan the ideal Turkey tour. If you enjoyed this guide,  please share it with your fellow travel enthusiasts—adventure awaits!

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